
On June 22, 2006, in XO Files, by admin

Back when Enterprise was still on the air and we used to do weekly viewings we used to listen to the weekly Sci Fi internet radio show I-Sci-FI (http://www.i-sci-fi.com) we really enjoyed it although not everyone was into it and I couldn’t always hear.  We used to all get involved in the trivia and even got on the air a few times. (Can you hear me now?)

I continued to listen after Enterprise failed to make a return for a fifth season still participated inthe chat and still got on the air once in a while as well. I really enjoyed the news, trivia and interviews especially the show done at the opening of the Borg Experience because I sooo wanted to be there!

Well as things go we didn’t listen as regularly and they had some issues where they weren’t on every week and well we found a new passion, free poker! We played several times a week and kinda went overboard as you do with any new interest that you want to learn more about and in this case get better at. can’t say I ever got good but I can hold my own.
In the last few weeks we have come full circle, somewhat at least, in that we have started listening again and wonder why we quit. Last week they had an interview with Ken Rand a Utah author and a guest at the upcoming Mountain Con in Sept (http://www.mountaincon.org). I tried to answer the chat room trivia but was always a second or two behind, if I knew it at all. So I would make up some off the wall answer in a vain attempt to be funny, although some of them really were, really!

This week they had the Utah Browncoats on and were promoting a showing for charity of Serenity later that night. The chat room and Call in trivia were based on Firefly and the Wheadon Universe. Man I was on fire in the chat room trivia, either I knew the answer outright or noone else did and I had time to look it up. (Google Rocks!)

The trivia after the break switched more to Buffy and Angel which I didn’t know very well I might have gotten one, maybe, However I also knew the call in trivia so I made Debby call in She was the first caller (operators standing by …) and got on the air, very cool, got in a plug for the Pioneer, the new website and our book media club! Way to go! For her efforts Riker Bear gets a new t-shirt! Thanks to my run at Firefly trivia I held on to take the top honors with 10 questions although with a few more Buffy/Angel questions that would not have been the case. So between Debby and I we made a clean sweep of the trivia for the night! Go Team Venture, uh make that Pioneer!
All in all we had another good time hanging out chatting, trying to answer trivia and listening to news and interviews. So here’s the shameless plug… Tune in Thu nights 7-9pm mountain time. All the info is on their website (http://www.i-sci-fi.com) and join the chat room with us.


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