We spent the weekend out promoting the new Star Trek movie, Starfleet and the USS pioneer at the Continental theatre and had a blast.

The movie starts off at Warp speed and barely stops to catch it’s breath. A group of us saw it Thu night up north and we unanimously loved it. I wanted to get righ back in line and see it again!

The movie is a reboot and except for a handful of  hard core ‘Canonista’s’, or my favorite ‘Talifans’ the reviews are universely great.

Our unofficial polls were 100% positive for this new alternative Trek universe. We pluncked down the cash and saw it again on sat night on the Giant Screen at the Continental and even though we new how everything ended it was just as good or better the second time. There is so much going on that you have to see it again just to catch it all.

Overall casting was spot on and true to the original, especially McCoy.

Thanks to Mike and the Continental staff for lettin us hang out and do promotion with them, to our crew that came out and talked up the movie and our group and everyone who stopped by chatted with us over the weekend.

We hope to see you all again real soon. Drop us a line and let us know what you think. To post or join inthe conversation you will need to be registered at this site, but it is free!



3 Responses to I’ve seen the (Star Trek) Future, and it is good!

  1. Doug says:

    I loved it too. Seen it 3 times already and am going with my Bro-in-law and his boys tomorow, that’ll be 4.
    I get a kick out of the few critics of the film. It’s amusing that they really don’t say why they don’t like it, no specifics. They call it “junk food”, and then go on about how it’s not “our Trek”, like they own the thing. Well, as someone who watched the show from the first show back in the day and liked every incarnation, from the movies to ALL the other series, including ENTERPRISE. It’s rather amazing from all the stones cast on this series, it seems that more people watched it than the ratings show.
    Anyway, it’s a fast paced film with great characters. And it is TREK.

  2. redshirt says:

    This is my new favorite movie. I’ve only seen it twice which is a pittance to
    most Pioneer members but when this movie gets on DVD I most assure there
    will be many more viewings. That’s when we can look for R2D2 and all the
    other fun stuff!

  3. Storm says:

    I loved this one, too. Hoping that when it does come out on dvd we can talk someone into hosting a movie event and see the movie and all the extras that will be on the discs.

    What a great future Star Trek has, both in the ‘original’ universe and the new one.

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